

Chrome extension for pop-up English-Japanese/Japanese-English dictionary

This story is about the recent update of the Chrome extension to use the union English-Japanese (and Japanese-English) dictionary as a pop-up dictionary. It features switching among data sources, showing example sentences, showing collocations, thesaurus search, and registering words to the vocab note on the pop-up. As I'd like English speaking Japanese learners to try this too, here I write English as well as Japanese.

Overview (概要)

When you are reading web pages in foreign languages (Japanese for English speakers, English for Japanese speakers), you'll often encounter unknown words or phrases. Then, you want to look them up on a dictionary. The Chrome extension of pop-up dictionary is convenient in such a situation. Just selecting a word or a phrase by double clicking or dragging shows the search result, which tells you the meaning and usage. Once you install the extension, it works on almost every site.

Installation (インストール)

The extension works on Chrome browser regardless of the OS. Download this ZIP file on your machine. Unzip the file, whereby a directory "chrome-union-dict-v2" is made. Then, open the "manage extensions" menu via the jigsaw puzzle icon on the menu bar of Chrome. If there's no jigsaw puzzle icon, dig the rightmost setting menu into "More tools"-"Extensions".
Chrome拡張はどのOSのChromeブラウザでも機能する。まずこのZIPファイルをダウンロードする。そのファイルを展開すると、"chrome-union-dict-v2"というディレクトリができる。そして、Chromeのメニューバーのジクソーパズルのアイコンから行ける"manage extensions" メニューを開く。もしジグソーパズルのアイコンがなければ、右端の設定メニューの中の"More tools"の"Extensions"を辿る。

There's a toggle switch of "Developer mode" in the top right corner of the screen. Switch it on so that you see a button "Load unpacked" on the top of the screen.
画面右上に"Developer mode"というトグルスイッチがある。それをオンにすると、"Load unpacked"というボタンが画面上部に現れる。

The "Load unpacked" button opens a dialog to select a directory. Select the aforementioned "chrome-union-dict-v2". Then, the extension is installed and a panel of "English-Japanese Union Dictionary 2.1" appears.
"Load unpacked"ボタンはディレクトリを選ぶためのダイアログを開く。そこで上述の"chrome-union-dict-v2"を選ぶ。すると、Chrome拡張がインストールされて、"English-Japanese Union Dictionary 2.1"というパネルが現れる。

Click the jigsaw puzzle icon on the menu again. You find that a new menu for the new extension has been added. Click the pin icon on the side of the extension name so that the "EJ" icon is pinned down on the menu bar.

Usage (使い方)

The "EJ" icon opens a dictionary panel, where you can look up arbitrary words. You also see a pair of radio buttons labeled "ポップアップ検索". It enables/disables the pop-up dictionary feature, which is enabled by default.

P.S.: A pull-down box to set the size of the popup window of "小", "中", and "大" has been added. Set it according to your preference.
追記: ポップアップ窓のサイズを"小", "中", "大"から選んで設定するプルダウンボックスが追加されている。お好みに設定されたい。

Open an arbitrary web page as always. When you double click a word, a pop-up window appears and the meaning of the word is described there. You can select a phrase of multiple words by dragging the pointer. If you select a English text, the entry for the English word is shown. This is useful for English learners.

If you select a Japanese text, a list of entries which have matching translations is shown. This is useful for Japanese learners.

By default, only several top glossarial items are shown in the popup. If you click the ellipsis mark "..." on the bottom, you see the whole data of the title word.

There are icons of the top right corner of the single entry view. "WN" shows full descriptions of the glossary from WordNet. Likewise, "WE" shows full description from English Wiktionary, "WJ" is for Japanese dictionary, and "XS" is for other supplemental glossary.

If there is data for example sentences, the "例" icon appears. It shows a list of example English sentences including the title word and their Japanese translations. This is useful to grasp actual usages of the word. If you click the "例" icon of each example sentence, the example is read aloud.
例文データがある場合、"例" というアイコンがある。これはその見出し語を含む英語の例文とその日本語訳のリストを表示する。これは実際の用例を把握するのに有用だ。各例文の"例"アイコンをクリックすると、その例文が読み上げられる。

If there is data for collocations, the "句" icon appears. It shows a list of collocations of the title word and their translations. Catching meaning of phrasal verbs and other related phrases is important for comprehension of English text.
連語データがある場合、"句" というアイコンがある。これはその見出し語の連語とその訳語のリストを表示する。句動詞やその他の関連フレーズを把握するのは英文読解に重要である。

The "類" icon shows a list of thesaurus of the title word. It contains synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, and other related words. Thesaurus is useful to choose words when you speak or write English or Japanese.

The "読" icon reads aloud the title word. The reading aloud feature uses the voice synthesis API of the browser.

Related phrases and derived words are links to their dictionary entries so click them if you want to know more about them. When you are reading glossaries and example sentences, you might encounter unfamiliar words there too. Then, select the word or the phrase by double-clickiing or dragging so that an loupe icon appears. If you click the icon, you can look up the word.

Arrow icons are put at the bottom left corner and the bottom right corner of the popup panel. They takes you to the previous and the next result in your search history.

Inflection and Conjugation (屈折と活用)

Some English words have inflection, which changes the form according to its grammatical role. This dictionary supports lookups by inflected texts. For example, you can look up "run" by selecting "runs", "running", and "ran" in sentences. Selecting "bitten" looks up "bite". Selecting "milder" looks up "mild". Complex inflections like "police officers" and "sons-in-law" are also handled properly.
一部の英語の語句は屈折し、文法上の役割に応じて形を変える。この辞書は屈折したテキストでの検索もサポートする。例えば、"runs"や"running"や"ran"を選択して"run"を検索できる。"bitten"を選択して"bite"を検索できる。"milder"を選択して"mild"を検索できる。"police officers"や"sons-in-law"のような複雑な屈折形も適切に扱われる。

Some Japanese words have conjugation, which is a kind of inflection. To look up a word whose surface is changed by conjugation, selecting the stem part does the job. For example, For "走った" and "走っている", you should select "走っ" to look up "走る". For "歩いた" and "歩いている", select "歩い" to look up "歩く". For "ぶん殴ります", select "ぶん殴り" to look up "ぶん殴る". For "限らない", select "限ら" to look up "限る". For "美しかった", select "美しかっ" to look up "美しい". For "表現しない", if you select "表現", words whose translations include "表現" match. If you select "表現し", words whose translations include "表現する" match. Supporting conjugated words is a big selling point of this dictionary.

If the text you select doesn't match either of the base form or the inflections of any word, the fallback search by fuzzy matching is done automatically. Thus, even if the text is misspelled, you can get possible candidates.

Vocabulary note (単語帳)

To increase vocabulary, checking meaning of unknown words is important. You can easily do it by just reading foreign articles and opening dictionary pop-ups. Moreover, it is recommended to reinforce the memory of new words by revisiting those words afterwords, maybe at the end of the day or in the next morning. The star icon on the pop-up is useful for that purpose. If you want to memorize the word, click the star icon for the browser to record it.

When you want to revisit checked words, open the dictionary panel and click the star icon on it.

A list of the words is shown. When you hover the pointer on each item, the translations of the word are shown. You can switch visibility of the Japanese side by clicking the "sun" button on the right side. You should mumble the words and translations until you recite them completely. The "sharp" icon switches the order of the word. The "shooting star" icon removes all items. If you want to remove specific items, click the star icon.

Annotation (注釈)

If you select a text of 48 characters or longer, the annotation feature is invoked. Like Word Wise of Amazon Kindle, phrases which seem difficult for English learners to understand are annotated with ruby strings above them. Each ruby string shows typical translations so that you can read the text without looking up words.
48文字以上のテキストを選択すると、注釈機能が起動される。アマゾンKindleのWord Wiseのように、英語学習者にとって難しそうな語句には注釈がルビとして振られる。各々のルビには典型的な和訳が載せられるので、語句の意味を調べることなく読解することができる。

By default, annotations are given to phrases whose average acquisition age is 10 years old or higher. You can change the threshold between 3 to 20. As unknown words are green italic, you can use this feature for spell checking. If you click the "読" icon at the top right corner of the pane of each paragraph, the paragraph is read aloud.

When the pointer hovers over each phrase including ones without annotations, a tooltip for its glossaries is shown.

Other tips (その他のコツ)

Personally, I like the sites of CNN and NHK World to read news articles. Reading an article and the watching related videos seem an effective way to improve reading and listening skills. Using a pop-up dictionary can save time for word lookups and helps you keep concentrate on articles.

You can also specify complex search conditions like forward matching, backward matching, middle matching, word matching, and ambiguous matching by selecting the mode on the "検索条件" pull-down on the dictionary panel. They are useful to remember words which you recollect vaguely.

If you use the popup dictionary not so often, you disable it and occasionally use it via the context menu. With a word selected, do right-click (Ctrl+click on Mac) to render the context menu, where you select "ポップアップ辞書" to evoke the popup. You can do the same by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+K" (Command+Shift+K on Mac). You can also open the dictionary panel by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+L" (Command+Shift+L on Mac).
たまにしかポップアップ辞書を使わない場合、ポップアップを無効にしておいて、折を見てコンテキストメニューからポップアップを起動する方法もある。ページ内で語句を選択した状態で、右クリック(Macの場合Ctrl+クリック)で現れるコンテキストメニューで、"ポップアップ辞書" を選択すると、ポップアップが現れる。同じことが"Ctrl+Shift+K"(Macの場合Command+Shift+K)を押してもできる。辞書パネルを開くには"Ctrl+Shift+L"(Macの場合Command+Shift+L)を押す。

The Chrome extension just uses features of the main site of the union English-Japanese dictionary. If you use the dictionary intensively, you might as well access the site directly.

You can use the same pop-up dictionary on Kindle devices by installing these MOBI files (English-Japanese, Japanese-English).

The version 2 of the Chrome extensions manifest became deprecated on January 2023, those who are using the older version of this Chrome extension should update it to the latest version.

Unpacked data directories of Chrome extensions installed in the developer mode must be retained on your local machine as long as you use it. If you want to move them somewhere safe, uninstall the old directory in the "extensions" panel and reinstall the moved one.

If you find bugs or have ideas for improvement, please give comments below.